
47 Ronin (1994)

Directed by Kon Ichikawa

Action | Drama | Eastern


Kon Ichikawa’s retelling of the classic true story of Samurai honor. When a young clan lord is forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), his loyal followers (now Ronin, masterless Samurai) dedicate their lives to avenging his death.

Length 129 minutes


Ken Takakura | Kiichi Nakai | Rie Miyazawa | Kôji Ishizaka | Ruriko Asaoka | Hisaya Morishige | Ryûdô Uzaki | Tatsuo Matsumura | Hisashi Igawa | Gaku Yamamoto | Shigeru Kôyama | Isao Bito | Jun Hashizume | Renji Ishibashi | Saburo Ishikura | Yuka Kono | Hitomi Kuroki | Misa Shimizu | Yûko Kotegawa | Kikunosuke Onoe | Bsaku Satoh | Michiyo Yokoyama | Akiji Kobayashi | Akira Kubo | Gen Idemitsu | Masayuki Imai | Toshi Shioya | Kô Nishimura | Ken Kobayashi | Hirokazu Inoue | Yuzuru Nishimura | Shinji Yamaguchi | Atsuo Nakamura | Eiji Bandô | Nenji Kobayashi | Shirou Kajiwara

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/01/2013TVDVDRented9 stars

Viewing Notes

A excellent film, beautifully shot. It also helps explain some of the references from John Frankenheimer’s Ronin, one of my favorite movies.


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