
Two Graves To Kung Fu (1974)

Directed by Chen Hung-Lieh

Action | Eastern

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Serving time for a crime he has been framed for, a young martial arts student finds out that the men who set him up have also killed his instructor. To avenge this crime, he must make a break from the pen…

Length 92 minutes


Lau Kar-Wing | Chen Hung-Lieh | Max Lee Chiu-Jun | Tino Wong Cheung | Pei Chi Huang | Yam Ho | Sek Kin

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/13/2013TVDVDRented4 stars

Viewing Notes

Part of a four movies on one disc set called Martial Arts Essentials. Not to be confused (and trust me, IMDb is a source of confusion for more obscure Asian films) with the 1981 film also known as The Inheritor of Kung Fu.

Two Graves was obviously a low budget production and the sub par print in this disc doesn’t help it any. It’s a 4x3 transfer, likely from a VHS or Betamax tape copy, with poor sound, washed out colors and terrible dubbing.


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