
Berberian Sound Studio (2012)

Directed by Peter Strickland

Horror | Thriller | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk, scottfinn, archstanton43, schofizzy, noahphex, Javitron


In the 1970s, a British sound technician is brought to Italy to work on the sound effects for a gruesome horror film. His nightmarish task slowly takes over his psyche, driving him to confront his own past.

Rated NR | Length 92 minutes


Toby Jones | Tonia Sotiropoulou | Cosimo Fusco | Hilda Péter | Layla Amir | Eugenia Caruso | Antonio Mancino | Fatma Mohamed | Chiara D'Anna | Kata Bartsch | Lara Parmiani | Suzy Kendall | Salvatore LI Causi | Guido Adorni | Claire Ryann | Susanna Cappellaro

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/16/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand9 stars
05/02/2013Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

This ode to 1970s era Italian Giallo was my second film of the Stanley Film Festival and I enjoyed the hell out of it! I love sound design, experimental sound, industrial and electronic music, so it’s easy to see (hear?) why I’d like this so much. Discovering that Broadcast did the soundtrack and that it included songs from Nurse With Wound only solidified my love for this film.

Having said that, it’s certainly not for everyone. The horror is psychological and the film is more disturbing than it is horrific.


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