
Sasquatch (2002)

Directed by Jonas Quastel

Horror | Mystery | Thriller


Harlan Knowles, billionaire and president of Bio-Comp Industries heads up a team of experts in a quest to locate a company plane that disappeared over the remote forests of the Pacific Northwest. Knowles is obsessed with finding the plane and rescuing his daughter, who was one of its passengers. The assembled team includes local guide Clayton Tyne, wilderness expert/author Winston Burg and Marla Lawson. Soon, the team begins to suspect that Knowles’ main objective is actually to recover the prototype of a DNA testing machine called the Huxley Project, which his company has spent years and millions of dollars developing.

Rated R | Length 92 minutes


Lance Henriksen | Andrea Roth | Russell Ferrier | Philip Granger | Mary Mancini | Taras Kostyuk | Erica Durance | Jeremy Radick | Rob Clark | Scantone Jones

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/27/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

One of the more frustrating movies I’ve watched recently. The Untold (aka Sasquatch) had potential: the story is decent and most of the characters were interesting and well acted. Even the creature, when revealed is suitably interesting.

What ruins the film is the stupid digital FX added in post to make up for not revealing even parts of the creature; and the shitty camera work which is at times downright exasperating. So basically bad cinematography and bad editing, which at the end of the day gets laid at the feet of the director.

There’s also one character (played by Phillip Granger, who I believe played the luckless cop in Tucker and Dale vs. Evil) who is so goddamn shouty that I had to crank the volume on my TV WAY down every time he had a line. Seriously, that loud. I guess they wanted to make it super obvious who the ‘asshole who you root for to die’ character was from the get go.

So sad, could have been a decent movie.


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