
Let the Right One In (2008)

Directed by Tomas Alfredson


Most recently watched by SIxBORG, suspectk, sleestakk


Oskar is a bullied 12 year-old boy, longing to extract revenge on his tormentors but unable to build the courage to do it himself. But then he meets a girl called Eli, who gives him the strength he’s been looking for. But Eli is not all she seems to be…

Rated R | Length 114 minutes


Kåre Hedebrant | Lina Leandersson | Per Ragnar | Henrik Dahl | Karin Bergquist | Peter Carlberg | Ika Nord | Mikael Rahm | Karl-Robert Lindgren | Anders T. Peedu | Pale Olofsson | Cayetano Ruiz | Patrik Rydmark | Johan Sömnes | Mikael Erhardsson | Rasmus Luthander | Sören Källstigen | Malin Cederblad | Bernt Östman | Kajsa Linderholm | Adam Stone | Ingemar Raukola | Kent Rishaug | Linus Hanner | Tom Ljungman | Fredrik Ramel | Christoffer Bohlin | Julia Nilsson | Elin Almén | Bengt Bylund | Bengt Lindström | Susanne Ruben | Elif Ceylan

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/25/2013TVStreamingVideo on Demand9 stars

Viewing Notes

I think this one unsettled Gavin…


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