
Carlos (2010)

Directed by Olivier Assayas

Biography | Crime | Drama


The story of Venezuelan revolutionary, Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, who founded a worldwide terrorist organization and raided the OPEC headquarters in 1975 before being caught by the French police.

Rated NR | Length 339 minutes


Edgar Ramírez | Alexander Scheer | Nora von Waldstätten | Talal Jurdi | Christoph Bach | Julia Hummer | Ahmad Kaabour | Fadi Abi Samra | Rodney El Haddad | Antoine Balabane | Rami Farah | Aljoscha Stadelmann | Zeid Hamdan | Fadi Yanni Turk | Katharina Schüttler | Basim Kahar | Cem Sultan Ungan | Susanne Wuest | Anna Thalbach | Udo Samel | Juana Acosta | Emmanuelle Bercot | Patrick Rameau | Kida Khodr Ramadan | Eriq Ebouaney | Laurens Walter | Timo Jacobs | Robert Gallinowski | Karl Fischer | Anton Kouznetsov | Vincent Jouan | Yuka Hirata | Johann von Bülow | Georges Kern | Hiraku Kawakami | József Tóth | Jean-Baptiste Malartre | Laëtitia Spigarelli | Samuel Achache | Laura Wilkinson | Olivia Ross | Mohamed Ourdache | Guillaume Saurrel | Alejandro Arroyo | Abbes Zahmani | Jule Böwe | Jean-Baptiste Montagut | Ana María Durán | Issam Bou Khaled | Simon-Pierre Boireau | Pierre-François Dumeniaud | Olivier Cruveiller | Carlos Chahine | Nicolas Briançon | Yanillys Pérez | André Marcon | Martha Higareda | Razane Jammal | Badih Abou Chacra

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/23/2011TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

IMDB calls this a three-part mini series, but since it played limited runs in theaters as a full movie, I’m counting the whole three parts as a single movie.

At a running time of five hours and 19 minutes, it takes some dedication to watch this. I watched it over two nights: part one the first evening and parts two and three back-to-back on the second.

Though I felt the second half of the third part lagged a bit, the movie as a whole is excellent, reminding me at times of both The Baader Meinhof Gang and Battle of Algiers (both movies would make great companion pieces to this).

I highly recommend catching on Netflix Instant Watch. It makes it easier to watch when it’s naturally broken down into three parts, though I’d not have minded taking the entire thing in with one sitting.

Edgar Ramirez turns in a great performance as Carlos. Juana Acosta does a very nice turn as Amie de Carlos. I really hope she sees more Hollywood roles turning up in the near future.


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