
A Teacher (2013)

Directed by Hannah Fidell


Most recently watched by DaNiedabaya, zombiefreak, noahphex, BTSjunkie, lolareels, tylermager


An Austin high school teacher takes sexual advantage over one of her students. Her life begins to unravel as the details of the relationship are exposed.

Rated NR | Length 75 minutes


Lindsay Burdge | Will Brittain | Jennifer Prediger | Jonny Mars | Julie Dell Phillips | Chris Doubek | Michael J. Wilson | Hannah Dannelly

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/25/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand9 stars

Viewing Notes

Buoyed by a strong performance from the lead actress, A Teacher is a really affecting drama. I tension builds as her live spirals out of control and just completely nosedives at the end.

One of the interesting things to me was that it seemed as if she never held the power in the relationship. From real life stories of this sort of thing, it often seems that the opposite is true. Or at least that the media portrays the “adult” in the relationship as the one manipulating and controlling the minor.

At any rate, I thought it was an interesting take on the subject.


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