
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps (2010)

Directed by Oliver Stone



As the global economy teeters on the brink of disaster, a young Wall Street trader partners with disgraced former Wall Street corporate raider Gordon Gekko on a two tiered mission: To alert the financial community to the coming doom, and to find out who was responsible for the death of the young trader’s mentor.

Rated PG-13 | Length 133 minutes


Michael Douglas | Shia LaBeouf | Josh Brolin | Carey Mulligan | Frank Langella | Susan Sarandon | Eli Wallach | Vanessa Ferlito | Jason Clarke | Alexander Wraith | John Bedford Lloyd | Anna Kuchma | Julianne Michelle | Keith Middlebrook | Chuck Pfeiffer | Charlie Sheen | Natalie Morales | Sebastian Sozzi | Tet Wada | Annika Pergament | Maria Bartiromo | Waltrudis Buck | Catherine Wolf | Noelle Beck | Eloise DeJoria | Coralie Charriol Paul | Sondra James | Nitya Vidyasagar | Sylvia Miles | Akemi Look | Manu Narayan | Austin Pendleton | Christian Baha | Eric Purcell | John Buffalo Mailer | Richard Stratton | Leonard Zimmerman | Frank Ciornei | Joan Rivers

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/14/2012TVDVDLibrary8 stars

Viewing Notes

I stayed away from this for a long while because the trailers I saw made it look pretty uninteresting. Too bad, because it’s a damn good film. Shia LaBeouf may get a ton of shit for the Transformers and Indiana Jones movies but Money Never Sleeps proves the kid has some serious acting chops. Excellent movie, excellent cast, excellent script and great cinematography.


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