
Ambushed (2013)

Directed by Giorgio Serafini

Action | Crime | Drama


In the frenetic underbelly of Los Angeles, Agent Maxwell closes in on an international cocaine smuggling operation run by criminal mastermind Vincent Camastra. When Agent Beverly Royce goes undercover with the drug dealers and finds herself deeper then she can handle - the case becomes personal for Maxwell who has to combat ruthless killers and dirty cops in an all-out action filled finale to bring the criminals to justice.

Rated R | Length 93 minutes


Dolph Lundgren | Vinnie Jones | Randy Couture | Gianni Capaldi | Carly Pope | Susie Abromeit | Daniel Bonjour | Cinthya Bornacelli | Michael Rivera | Holly Lynch | William McNamara | Victoria De Mare | Mindy Robinson | Eline Van der Velden | Frank Mercuri | Cody Davis

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/07/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

A barely coherent mess of a movie. Whoever edited this should either be punched or commended. It was either a complete mess and he/she was lucky to stitch it together to make even this version, or it had promise that died on the editing room floor. Kinda hard to tell.


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