
The Future (2013)

Directed by Alicia Scherson

Drama | Romance

Most recently watched by sleestakk


When their parents die, Bianca starts to smoke and Tomas is still a virgin. The orphans explore the dangerous streets of adulthood until Bianca finds Maciste, a retired Mr. Universe, and enters his dark mansion in search of a future.

Rated NR | Length 94 minutes


Manuela Martelli | Nicolas Vaporidis | Luigi Ciardo | Alessandro Giallocosta | Pino Calabrese | Rutger Hauer | Sara Manni | Daniela Piperno | Patricia Rivadeneira | Brando Taccini | Stefano Palma | Davide Michele Zongoli | Andrea Piazza | Mauro Costa | Francesco Crimi | Marco Antonini | Cristián Jiménez

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/21/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

I really liked this movie a lot: beautifully filmed, contemplative and quietly sexual. Another great role for Rutger Hauer as well.


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