
Zombie Girl: The Movie (2009)

Directed by Justin Johnson, Aaron Marshall, Erik Mauck

Documentary | Horror

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Emily Hagins is making a zombie movie. It’s feature-length, it’s bloody, and the zombies don’t run. Just like it should be. But there’s just one difference between her film and every other zombie movie you’ve ever seen. Emily is twelve.

Length 89 minutes


Emily Hagins | C. Robert Cargill | Harry Jay Knowles | Tiger Darrow | Tim League | Megan Hagins | Jerry Hagins | Tony Vespe | Rose Kent-McGlew | Alec Herskowitz | Alex Schroeder | Rebecca Elliott | Jay Giovanni Ramirez | Kate Dawson | Kirk Hunter | Jurgen Vsych | Erien Joe'lle Davis

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/14/2009Movie ScreenDVDTheaterN/A


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