
Cabin Fever (2003)

Directed by Eli Roth

Horror | Comedy

Most recently watched by noahphex, jenerator, sleestakk


A group of five college graduates rent a cabin in the woods and begin to fall victim to a horrifying flesh-eating virus, which attracts the unwanted attention of the homicidal locals.

Rated R | Length 98 minutes


Rider Strong | Jordan Ladd | Cerina Vincent | Giuseppe Andrews | James DeBello | Eli Roth | Julie Childress | Jessica Elder | Darcy Martin | Heather Simmons | Joey Kern | Richard Fullerton | Arie Verveen | Robert Harris | Tim Parati | Matthew Helms | Hal Courtney | Jay Aaseng | Dalton McGuire | Jana Farmer | Dante Walker | Jeff Rendell | Charee Devon | Bill Terrell | Richard Terrell | Jeff Evans | Michael Hill | J.K. Godbold | Phil Fox | Gabriel Roth | Donald Lee Hall Jr. | Jeremy A. Metcalf | Christine Renee Ward | Michael Harding | Rock | Noah Belson | Doug McDermott | Matthew Cappiello | Jessica Masserman | Paige Hunter | Gino Vincent | Shiloh Strong | Matt Schwarz | Mark Morse | Dean Masserman | Sam Froelich | Tommy Terrell | Evan Astrowsky | Mark Schwarz | Shana Schwarz | Joe Adams | Adam J. Roth | Jeffrey D. Hoffman | John Neff | Nancy Neff | Michael Reardon | Glenn Weisberger | Roy T. Wood | Richard Boone | Brandon Johnson

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