
It's Alive (2008)

Directed by Josef Rusnak



When a young woman learns that she’s pregnant, she leaves graduate school to set up a home with her boyfriend in the country. The fate of the happy new family takes a gruesome turn when animals and people end up brutally dead – all with a strange connection to their newborn. Could their new child be the responsible for the killings?

Rated R | Length 80 minutes


Bijou Phillips | Owen Teale | Todd Jensen | Skye Bennett | Michael McCoy | Raphaël Coleman | Ty Glaser | Jack Ellis | Arkie Reece | Sigal Diamant | James Murray | Oliver Coopersmith | Ioan Lov

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/14/2009TVDVDRented4 stars


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