
The Horseman (2008)

Directed by Steven Kastrissios

Crime | Thriller

Most recently watched by themarc, seanCduregger, sleestakk


A tender drama unfolds between a grieving father and a troubled teenage girl as they drive northbound along the quiet outback roads of Australia. What she doesn’t know is that between stops, he is leaving behind a bloody trail of bodies in a revenge motivated killing spree.

Rated R | Length 96 minutes


Chris Betts | Caroline Marohasy | Brad McMurray | Damon Gibson | Christopher Sommers | Bryan Probets | Hannah Levien | Peter Marshall | Jack Henry | Evert McQueen | Steve Tandy | Ron Kelly | Robyn Moore | Warren Meacham | Greg Quinn

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/27/2010TVDVDRented9.5 stars


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