
I'll Sleep When I'm Dead (2003)

Directed by Mike Hodges

Crime | Gangster | Thriller

Most recently watched by elisabethwithns


Will Graham is a former London crime boss who has left his former life to live as a recluse in the forest. Haunted by the blood of those he has murdered, Will wishes never to return. But when his brother commits suicide following a sexual assault at the hands of a volatile car dealer, Will returns to London to discover the cause of his brother’s death and administer justice to those responsible.

Rated R | Length 97 minutes


Clive Owen | Jonathan Rhys Meyers | Charlotte Rampling | Malcolm McDowell | Jamie Foreman | Ken Stott | John Surman | Alexander Morton | Paul Mohan | Geoff Bell | Brian Croucher | Sylvia Syms | Noel Clarke | Mark Hardy | Prince Thompson Iyamu | Desmond Bayliss | Francis Magee | Lidija Zovkić

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/15/2010TVStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars


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