
The Stranger (2014)

Directed by Guillermo Amoedo

Horror | Thriller


A supernatural thriller, laced by flashbacks, and set in Canada’s North-West, “The Stranger” turns on the mysterious titular figure of Martin, who comes to a small quiet town seeking to kill his wife Ana who suffers from a very dangerous decease that makes her addicted to human blood - just like himself-. However, when he arrives to the town, he discovers that Ana has been dead for a couple of years and decides to commit suicide to definitely eradicate this dangerous decease, but, before he can do it, Martin’s brutally attacked by three local thugs led by Caleb, the son of a corrupt police lieutenant, and the incident suddenly starts a snowball that will plunge the community into a bloodbath.

Length 93 minutes


Lorenza Izzo | Ariel Levy | Aaron Burns | Cristobal Tapia Montt | Luis Gnecco | Sally Rose | Pablo Vila | Alessandra Guerzoni | Eric Kleinsteuber | Nicolás Durán

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/23/2014Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

The Stranger had moments where it transcended its low budget to create some compelling scenes but overall was dissatisfying, not the least because the titular stranger never felt like a fully realized character.

Shot with leftover money from the budgets of a series of Eli Roth involved films like Green Inferno and Aftershock.

The film also suffers from not quite right dubbing, which was done for an English audience. This feels like a movie that’ll probably do ok in the straight-to-VOD market it’s so obviously shooting for, but certainly won’t stand out much from the crowd.


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