
World on a Wire (1973)

Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Science Fiction


Cybernetics engineer Fred Stiller uncovers a massive corporate conspiracy involving a virtual reality computer project.

Length 213 minutes


El Hedi ben Salem | Barbara Valentin | Elma Karlowa | Doris Mattes | Lilo Pempeit | Walter Sedlmayr | Karl Scheydt | Peter Gauhe | Gottfried John | Christine Kaufmann | Klaus Löwitsch | Ivan Desny | Günter Lamprecht | Wolfgang Schenck | Ulli Lommel | Rudolf Lenz | Eddie Constantine | Margit Carstensen | Kurt Raab | Katrin Schaake | Joachim Hansen | Adrian Hoven | Rudolf Waldemar Brem | Peter Chatel | Karl-Heinz Vosgerau | Christiane Maybach | Werner Schroeter | Ingrid Caven | Magdalena Montezuma | Solange Pradel | Bruce Low | Peter Moland | Peter Kern | Heinz Meier | Rainer Hauer | Ernst Küsters | Maryse Dellanoy | Rainer Langhans | Corinna Brocher | Dora Karras-Frank | Karsten Peters | Mascha Rabben

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/07/2014TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

I can’t imagine what it would have been like to watch this film when it came out in 1973 instead of now. I’ve got the benefit of living in the internet age where immersive virtual worlds are an actual thing you can experience via VR headsets, etc. But back then, this Inception precursor would have been more conceptually mind blowing.

Even now it’s a fascinating movie, especially the way in which it’s shot. Often the characters are shown as replicas of themselves via mirrors or other reflective surfaces, or through transparent surfaces, often distorted, like glass walls, windows and other transparent objects.

Ironically, the early ‘70s sets are otherworldly and stunning now in ways they would not have been then. In 1973 the sets would likely have felt more familiar, contemporary.

I watched this on Hulu Plus, where they break the film into two segments, Part 1 and Part 2, each approximately an hour and 45 minutes long. I watched them pretty much back to back.


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