
The House at the End of Time (2013)

Directed by Alejandro Hidalgo

Supernatural | Suspense | Thriller


The story of Dulce, a mother who has encounters with apparitions inside her old house. She must decipher a mystery that could trigger a prophecy: the death of her family.

Length 101 minutes


Ruddy Rodriguez | Gonzalo Cubero | Guillermo GarcĂ­a | Adriana Calzadilla | Rosmel Bustamante | Hector Mercado | Miguel Flores | Simona Chirinos

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/16/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Had no expectations going in but I really liked this movie quite a bit. Very satisfying ending and excellent editing to get the story just right.


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