
Devil's Backbone, Texas (2015)

Directed by Jake Wade Wall

Horror | Supernatural


In January, 1996 Unsolved Mysteries featured a story on landowner Bert Wall’s ‘real-life’ interactions with the spirits that roamed the Devil’s Backbone. Nearly twenty years later, Wall passed away…leaving behind only fragmented tales of an inexplicable terror to those that knew him best.

Length 80 minutes


Haley Buckner | James Carrington | Alexandria Fierz | David Z. Roberts | Jodi Bianca Wise

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/13/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Surprisingly not bad for a fake documentary/found footage film. It was enhanced by the very believable acting from most of the cast. At times you forgot you weren’t watching an actual documentary.


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