
Quest for Fire (1981)

Directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud

Adventure | Drama

Most recently watched by JohnPeel, lolareels


In the prehistoric world, a Cro-Magnon tribe depends on an ever-burning source of fire, which eventually extinguishes. Lacking the knowledge to start a new fire, the tribe sends three warriors on a quest for more. With the tribe’s future at stake, the warriors make their way across a treacherous landscape full of hostile tribes and monstrous beasts. On their journey, they encounter Ika, a woman who has the knowledge they seek.

Rated R | Length 100 minutes


Everett McGill | Ron Perlman | Nicholas Kadi | Rae Dawn Chong | Gary Schwartz | Naseer El-Kadi | Franck-Olivier Bonnet | Jean-Michel Kindt | Kurt Schiegl | Brian Gillin | Terry Fitt | Bibi Caspari | Peter Elliott | Michelle Leduc | Robert Lavoie | Christian Benard | Tarlok Sing Seva | Lolamal Kapisisi | Matt Birman | Joy Boushel | Adrian Street | Martin Ruane | George Buza | Jean Gagné | Antonio Barichievich | Tai

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/14/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

It’s been so long since I first watched this. Still a fun watch but the science behind it has advanced so much that it feels anachronistic now.


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