
The Dead Zone (1983)

Directed by David Cronenberg

Drama | Supernatural | Thriller

Most recently watched by JohnPeel, sleestakk


Johnny Smith is a schoolteacher with his whole life ahead of him but, after leaving his fiancee’s home one night, is involved in a car crash which leaves him in a coma for 5 years. When he wakes, he discovers he has an ability to see into the past, present and future life of anyone with whom he comes into physical contact.

Rated R | Length 103 minutes


Christopher Walken | Brooke Adams | Tom Skerritt | Herbert Lom | Anthony Zerbe | Colleen Dewhurst | Martin Sheen | Nicholas Campbell | Sean Sullivan | Jackie Burroughs | Géza Kovács | Roberta Weiss | Simon Craig | Peter Dvorsky | Julie-Ann Heathwood | Barry Flatman | Raffi Tchalikian | Ken Pogue | Gordon Jocelyn | Bill Copeland | Jack Messinger | Chapelle Jaffe | Cindy Hinds | Helene Udy | Ramon Estevez | Joseph Domenchini | Roger Dunn | Vladimir Bondarenko | Claude Rae | John Koensgen | Leslie Carlson | James Bearden | Hardee T. Lineham | William B. Davis | Seirge LeBlanc | Vera Winiauski | Joe Kapnaiko | David Rigby

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/15/2021Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7 stars
04/22/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

A fun revisit. Walken is so young looking and does a great job making his character believable.


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