
Mortdecai (2015)

Directed by David Koepp



An art dealer, Charles Mortdecai, searches for a stolen painting rumored to contain a secret code that gains access to hidden Nazi gold.

Rated R | Length 107 minutes


Johnny Depp | Gwyneth Paltrow | Ewan McGregor | Paul Bettany | Jonny Pasvolsky | Olivia Munn | Jeff Goldblum | Michael Culkin | Ulrich Thomsen | Alec Utgoff | Guy Burnet | Paul Whitehouse | Norma Atallah | Nicholas Farrell | Karl Theobald | Michael Byrne | James Joyce | Emily Lawrence | Carly Steel | Jenna Russell | Austin Lyon | Ricky Champ | Chris Bearne | Georgie Carter | Benny Maslov | Colette O'Neil | Evie Brodie | Michael Aguiló | Michael Shelford | Junix Inocian | Jamie Bernadette | Joey Courteau

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/12/2015TVBlu-rayRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Better than I was expecting but man, the mustache jokes were tiring before they even began.


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