
Intruders (2014)

Directed by Santiago Menghini

Thriller | Suspense | Supernatural


In the aftermath of a deadly haunting in a small suburban home, a sinister omnipresent entity proceeds to cause havoc in the private lives of a young boy, an unsuspecting teen, and an absent-minded inspector.

Length 10 minutes


Joshua Young | Charles Sirard-Blouin | Sarianne Cormier | Alain Gendreau | Lynda Lapierre | Tristan Gabriel Chaput

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/16/2015TVDVDRented5 stars

Viewing Notes

Pretty average with a lot of false leads that are supposed to keep you guessing but really just make the film more tedious.


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