
The Glorious Works of G.F. Zwaen (2015)

Directed by Max Porcelijn

Crime | Mystery


n the late 90’s Amsterdam-based writer Gerard F. Zwaen becomes entangled in a plot involving a drugs trafficker, a dodgy tax inspector and an internal affairs agent.

Length 110 minutes


Ton Kas | René van 't Hof | Ruben van der Meer | Anniek Pheifer | Peter van de Witte | Steef Cuijpers | Michiel Romeyn | Nick Vorsselman

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/29/2015Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

A decent, capable thriller that sort of ambles along, with light humor thrown in. Maybe it’s the cultural differences but it didn’t quite connect with me.


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