
The Passing (2015)

Directed by Gareth Bryn

Horror | Supernatural

Most recently watched by tylermager


When two young lovers crash their car into a ravine in the remote mountains of Wales, they are plunged into a lost world. Dragged from the river by a mysterious figure, they are taken to a ramshackle farm, a place untouched by time. As events unfold we learn the explosive truth about the young couple’s past. More unsettling still, we discover the ghostly truth about Stanley, and the tragedy of the valley he once called home.

Length 87 minutes


Mark Lewis Jones | Dyfan Dwyfor | Annes Elwy

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/30/2015Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6.5 stars

Viewing Notes

A decent, slow moving ghost story with a little twist at the end. It broadcasts the twist a bit so it’s probably not much of a surprise by the time you get to it. Moody and well shot but nothing outstanding.


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