
When the Lights Go Out (2010)

Directed by Alvin Moore Jr.

Disaster | Action | Melodrama


Where the bonds of a family represented what is stronger in our lives. In “When the lights go out” witnessing the trajectory of a family who has lost his way that may undermine the family structure forever, and no return.

Rated PG | Length 115 minutes


Keith Robinson | Wendy Raquel Robinson | Clifton Powell | Shenae Edwards | Lloyd Polite

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/23/2015TVStreamingVideo on Demand6 stars

Viewing Notes

Great FX and the action is fun to watch but so steeped in overwrought melodrama that it becomes laughable at times. A combination of Backdraft and San Andreas if you could imagine such a thing.


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