
Black Souls (2014)

Directed by Francesco Munzi

Crime | Drama | Gangster


A former narcotics smuggler, now living peaceably in the Calabrian hills, is drawn back into his family’s drug-trade dynasty by his impetuous teenage son.

Rated NR | Length 103 minutes


Marco Leonardi | Peppino Mazzotta | Fabrizio Ferracane | Barbora Bobuľová | Anna Ferruzzo | Giuseppe Fumo | Pasquale Romeo | Vito Facciolla | Aurora Quattrocchi | Carlos Bardem | Domenico Centamore | Sebastiano Filocamo | Manuela Ventura | Paola Lavini | Dario Narducci

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/23/2016TVStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

A really good Italian crime drama that reminded me of GOMORRAH in its tone and pace.


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