
Midnight Special (2016)

Directed by Jeff Nichols

Science Fiction | Supernatural | Thriller

Most recently watched by GMOM65, schofizzy, sleestakk, zombiefreak


A father and son go on the run after the dad learns his child possesses special powers.

Rated PG-13 | Length 112 minutes


Michael Shannon | Jaeden Martell | Joel Edgerton | Kirsten Dunst | Adam Driver | David Jensen | Sam Shepard | Scott Haze | Dana Gourrier | Paul Sparks | Kerry Cahill | Bill Camp | Billy Slaughter | Lucy Faust | Sean Bridgers | Allison King | Sharon Landry | Sharon Garrison | James Moses Black | Yvonne Landry | Maureen Brennan | Ann Mahoney | Garrett Hines | Wayne Pére | Dane Rhodes | Lee Zurik | Nicondra Norwood | Sam Malone | Sean Kaplan | James DuMont | Nancy Grace | Lynn Berry | Alexander Eldimiati | D'Arcy Allen | John L. Armijo | Michelle Benet

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
08/12/2016TVDVDRented7 stars


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