
Deadly Prey (1987)

Directed by David A. Prior


Most recently watched by sleestakk, noahphex


A group of sadistic mercenaries led by Col. John Hogan kidnap Michael Danton from his home, and set him loose on the grounds of their secret camp to be used as training for new recruits. Danton has been called the “most perfect killer ever.” Now, he’ll have to prove it again. This prey has become DEADLY!

Rated R | Length 85 minutes


Ted Prior | Troy Donahue | David James Campbell | Fritz Matthews | Dawn Abraham | Suzanne Tara | William Zipp | Thomas Baldwin | Leo Weltman | Timothy Elwell | Brian O'Connor | Sean Holton | Darrel Guilbeau | Cameron Mitchell

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
04/15/2017Home TheaterDVDBorrowed8 stars

Viewing Notes

Another DVD that Jay brought to close out the evening. Another amazing movie! This was a full screen VHS transfer which honestly made it even more enjoyable. These are the types of shot-on-video, direct-to-VHS films that made the ‘80s so great!

This movie is filled with shirtless, shoeless action, angry (so angry) killing against a barebones, pointless plot that’s there just to hang all the violence on. Great way to end the night!


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