
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948)

Directed by John Huston

Drama | Adventure | Crime

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Fred C. Dobbs and Bob Curtin, both down on their luck in Tampico, Mexico in 1925, meet up with a grizzled prospector named Howard and decide to join with him in search of gold in the wilds of central Mexico. Through enormous difficulties, they eventually succeed in finding gold, but bandits, the elements, and most especially greed threaten to turn their success into disaster.

Rated NR | Length 126 minutes


Humphrey Bogart | Walter Huston | Tim Holt | Bruce Bennett | Barton MacLane | Alfonso Bedoya | Arturo Soto Rangel | Manuel Dondé | José Torvay | Margarito Luna | Robert Blake | Guillermo Calles | Roberto Cañedo | Spencer Chan | Jacqueline Dalya | Ralph Dunn | Ernesto Escoto | Pat Flaherty | Martín Garralaga | Jack Holt | John Huston | Francisco Islas | Mario Mancilla | Julian Rivero | Jay Silverheels | Ray Spiker | Valdespino | Ildefonso Vega | Harry J. Vejar | Ignacio Villalbazo | Clifton Young | Ángela Rodríguez

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/04/2017Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned10 stars

Viewing Notes

A brilliant movie through and through, buoyed by the Oscar-winning performance by Walter Huston whose rapid-fire delivery and gruff voice enthralls. Happy to have finally revisited this after many years. Bogart makes such a great bad guy in this too.

I wonder if the plot isn’t a social commentary on the post-war focus on acquiring material possessions.


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