
Point Blank (1967)

Directed by John Boorman

Crime | Film Noir

Most recently watched by lolareels, BTSjunkie, sleestakk


After being double-crossed and left for dead, a mysterious man named Walker single-mindedly tries to retrieve the rather inconsequential sum of money that was stolen from him.

Rated NR | Length 91 minutes


Lee Marvin | Angie Dickinson | Keenan Wynn | Carroll O'Connor | Lloyd Bochner | Michael Strong | John Vernon | Sharon Acker | James Sikking | Sandra Warner | Roberta Haynes | Kathleen Freeman | Victor Creatore | Lawrence Hauben | Susan Holloway | Sid Haig | Michael Bell | Priscilla Boyd | John McMurtry | Ron Walters | George Strattan | Nicole Rogell | Rico Cattani | Roland La Starza | Paul Bradley | George Bruggeman | George Calliga | Jerry Catron | Dick Cherney | Bud Cokes | Bonnie Dewberry | Richard Elmore | Barbara Feldon | Duke Fishman | Carey Foster | Stu Gardner | Rudy Germane | Kenneth Gibson | Bill Hickman | Chuck Hicks | George Hoagland | Harvey Karels | Joseph La Cava | Louise Lane | Karen Lee | Ethelreda Leopold | Philo McCullough | Joseph Mell | Monty O'Grady | Andrew Orapeza | Murray Pollack | Anthony Redondo | Leoda Richards | Clark Ross | Cosmo Sardo | Jeffrey Sayre | Felix Silla | Norman Stevans | Robert Strong | Tim Taylor | Sid Troy | Guy Way | Ted White | Louis Whitehill | Roseann Williams | John Zimeas

Viewing History (seen 3 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/14/2017Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned8 stars
01/03/2012TVDVDRented8 stars
04/21/2011TVDVDRented8.5 stars

Viewing Notes

Still such a jarring, angular neo-noir. Lee Marvin is excellent (and so is Angie Dickenson). There are some really great shots in this too.


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