
Strangers on a Train (1951)

Directed by Alfred Hitchcock

Crime | Suspense | Thriller

Most recently watched by loganpm, jakeneff, sleestakk


Having met on a train, a smooth-talking psychotic socialite shares his theory on how two complete strangers can get away with murder to an amateur tennis player — a theory he plans to test out.

Rated PG | Length 101 minutes


Farley Granger | Ruth Roman | Robert Walker | Leo G. Carroll | Patricia Hitchcock | Kasey Rogers | Marion Lorne | Jonathan Hale | Howard St. John | John Brown | Norma Varden | Robert Gist | Brooks Benedict | John Doucette | Harry Hines | Alfred Hitchcock | Paul McGuire | Oliver Cross | Tom Ferrandini | Stuart Hall | Joel Allen | Murray Alper | Monya Andre | Benjie Bancroft | Harry Baum | Al Bridge | Joe Brooks | John Butler | Leonard Carey | Edward Clark | Jack Cushingham | John Daheim | Marilyn Dialon | Jay Eaton | Roy Engel | Herbert Evans | Franklyn Farnum | Tommy Farrell | Sam Flint | Kay Garrett | Robert Haines | Sam Harris | Edward Hearn | Al Hill | Mary Alan Hokanson | Edna Holland | J. Louis Johnson | Fred Kelsey | Mike Lally | Perc Launders | Louis Lettieri | George Magrill | Charles Marsh | Thomas Martin | David McMahon | Charles Meredith | Ralph Moody | Mike Morelli | Roland Morris | Odette Myrtil | Richard Neill | Barry Norton | Spec O'Donnell | Paul Panzer | Minna Phillips | Anthony Redondo | Georges Renavent | Suzanne Ridgeway | Dick Ryan | Charles Sherlock | Janet Stewart | Brick Sullivan | Shirley Tegge | Laura Treadwell | Joe Warfield | Howard Washington | Dick Wessel | Chalky Williams | Robert Williams

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/24/2017Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned8 stars

Viewing Notes

Its been so long since I saw this that I barely remembered it. Some of the plot points are ludicrous but that’s missing the point. They’re used very effectively to ratchet up the tension. The climax at the amusement park is great!


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