
Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017)

Directed by S. Craig Zahler

Crime | Action

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, zombiefreak, sleestakk


After working as a drug courier and getting into a brutal shootout with police, a former boxer finds himself at the mercy of his enemies as they force him to instigate violent acts that turn the prison he resides in into a battleground.

Rated NR | Length 132 minutes


Vince Vaughn | Jennifer Carpenter | Don Johnson | Udo Kier | Dion Mucciacito | Geno Segers | Mustafa Shakir | Marc Blucas | Tom Guiry | Fred Melamed | Clark Johnson | Devon Windsor | Pooja Kumar | Michael Medeiros | Rob Morgan | Victor Almanzar | Willie C. Carpenter | Gabriel Sloyer | Jonathan Lee | Tobee Paik | Dan Amboyer | Calvin Dutton | Brandon Alan Smith | Mike Hodge | Larry Mitchell | Keren Dukes | Phil McGlaston | Tuffy Questell | Peter J. Fernandez | Adam Mucci | Philip Ettinger | Gilbert Soto | Charles Dumas | Franco Gonzalez | Ernesto Rosas | Brian Wiles | Adrian Matilla | Jay Hieron | Louis Scarano | Bill Anagnos | Corey Pierno | Ohene Cornelius | Craig Hutchinson | Vladimir Troitsky | Richard Buckman | Ethan Korver | Chad Knorr | Jack Miller | Phil Northman

Viewing History (seen 2 times)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
12/30/2017Home TheaterDVDRented7 stars
09/23/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

12th film of the fest. Probably the best thing Vince Vaughn has done in a long time! I have issues with some of the mechanics of the plot but otherwise this is brutal genre fun.


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