
Fangs (1981)

Directed by Mohammed Shebl

Horror | Musical

Most recently watched by sleestakk


When Ali and Mona’s car breaks down en route to a party, the couple seek the nearest house to make an emergency call, only to find that they’ve arrived at the home of the revered Count Dracula.  An unfaithful remake of the musical cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Although the story is apparently the same, Shebl’s film is almost too homoerotic to handle. Weaved into its camp aesthetics, horror genre tropes and 80s disco numbers, Anyab provides a running commentary on the social situation in Egypt, from youth unemployment to class struggle, while intersecting sexual politics into the mix.

Length 100 minutes


Ali El Haggar | Mounna Gbbr | Ahmed Adawiyya | Hassan Al Imam | Ahdy Sadek | طلعت زين | Atef El-Tayeb

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/26/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7 stars

Viewing Notes

25th film, another repertory screening, this one of ANYAB, an ‘80s era Egyptian take on the ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW. Pretty fun, weird watch with a bunch of social evils thrown into the middle of the film to provide a moral touch point of societal “vampirism”.


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