
Billy Boy (2018)

Directed by Bradley Buecker

Drama | Crime


When an angry teenager discovers a close friend has been killed, grief jeopardizes his future and he finds himself engulfed in danger.

Length 90 minutes


Melissa Benoist | Blake Jenner | Grant Harvey | Melissa Bolona | Nick Eversman | Greg Germann | Jim Beaver | Andre Royo | Aramis Knight | Brad Hunt | Blaine Saunders | Cole Bernstein | Derek Mio | Jack Fisher | Marcus Brown | Jack Foley | Julien Cesario | Brenda Bakke | Nathaniel Stroud | Sasha Morfaw | Rose Marie Brown | Jes Selane | Ramsay Philips | Mark Schaefer

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/27/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater8 stars

Viewing Notes

29th film of the fest. An at times brutal tale of L.A. juvenile delinquents, redemption, forgiveness and friendship. Very good and manages to show a side of Los Angeles (in terms of both subject matter and locations) that we rarely see.


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