
Jennifer (1978)

Directed by Brice Mack

Horror | Supernatural


Ostracized at a snooty private school because of her rural, poor background, a scholarship student is tormented to the point where her only remaining recourse is revenge, using the only method she knows: her psychic control over snakes!

Rated PG | Length 90 minutes


Lisa Pelikan | Bert Convy | Nina Foch | Amy Johnston | John Gavin | Jeff Corey | Louise Hoven | Ray Underwood | Wesley Eure | Florida Friebus | Georganne LaPiere | Sally Pansing | Leslie King | Ruth Cox | Lillian Randolph

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/21/2017Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned7 stars

Viewing Notes

Even though its a CARRIE knockoff, JENNIFER is pretty good. Things go pretty batshit at the end with some giant fucking snakes that really put it over the top. Would be fun to watch this with a crowd.


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