
The Crescent (2017)

Directed by Seth A. Smith

Horror | Drama

Most recently watched by sleestakk, archstanton43


After an unexpected death in the family, a mother and son struggle to find spiritual healing at a beachfront summer home.

Length 99 minutes


Britt Loder | Andrew Gillis | Amy Trefry | Danika Vandersteen | Woodrow Graves | Chik White | Terrance Murray

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/07/2017Movie ScreenDigitalTheater7.5 stars

Viewing Notes

A more experimental drama with elements of horror than I was expecting. I liked it a lot though. Visually stunning at times, it also used different aspect ratios to communicate different states for what was being shown. It wasn’t always immediately clear what state that was at times but for the most part it worked for me.


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