
They Live by Night (1949)

Directed by Nicholas Ray

Film Noir | Crime | Romance

Most recently watched by AllAboutSteve, sleestakk


An escaped convict, injured during a robbery, falls in love with the woman who nurses him back to health, but their relationship seems doomed from the beginning.

Rated NR | Length 96 minutes


Cathy O'Donnell | Farley Granger | Howard Da Silva | Jay C. Flippen | Helen Craig | Will Wright | William Phipps | Ian Wolfe | Harry Harvey | Marie Bryant | Will Lee | James Nolan | Charles Meredith | Teddy Infuhr | Byron Foulger | Guy Beach

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/13/2017Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned9 stars

Viewing Notes

Finally diving into some noir for November with this excellent effort from Nicholas Ray. Cathy O’Donnell gives a great performance in this which makes me want to seek her out in other films. The cinematography is stark and humanistic with some excellent helicopter shots.


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