
Saturday Night Fever (1977)

Directed by John Badham

Musical | Drama

Most recently watched by lordofthemovies, sleestakk


Tony spends his Saturdays at a disco where his stylish moves raise his popularity among the patrons. But his life outside the disco is not easy and things change when he gets attracted to Stephanie.

Rated R | Length 118 minutes


John Travolta | Karen Lynn Gorney | Barry Miller | Joseph Cali | Paul Pape | Donna Pescow | Bruce Ornstein | Julie Bovasso | Martin Shakar | Sam Coppola | Nina Hansen | Lisa Peluso | Denny Dillon | Bert Michaels | Robert Costanzo | Robert Weil | Shelly Batt | Fran Drescher | Donald Gantry | Murray Moston | William Andrews | Ann Travolta | Helen Travolta | Ellen March | Monti Rock III | Val Bisoglio | John Badham | Adrienne King

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
02/18/2018Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Just a great slice of life in NYC in the ‘70s. There’s a lot going on outside of the music and dancing that goes by pretty quickly if you’re not paying attention.


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