
Sugar Mountain (2016)

Directed by Richard Gray

Crime | Suspense | Drama


Two brothers, down on their luck, fake a disappearance in the Alaskan wilderness so they’ll have a great survival story to sell, but the hoax turns out to be more real than they planned.

Rated R | Length 107 minutes


Drew Roy | Haley Webb | Shane Coffey | Melora Walters | Anna Hutchison | Crawford Wilson | John Karna | Nick Farnell | Steve Mouzakis | Patrick Sane | Cary Elwes | Jason Momoa | Ron Holmstrom | Tyler Rothmann | Sarah Tidwell | Ernacio Moonin | Maximus Antonio Moonin | Hank West | Linnea Hollingsworth | Yulia Klass | Rolf Bardarson | Maggie Jane Vin Zant | Dorene Lorenz | Jeanie Greene | Bobby Campo | Sebastian Gregory

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/14/2019Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand4 stars

Viewing Notes

Ugh. Perhaps in more capable hands this could have been interesting but as it is it felt like a slog to get through. Cary Elwes is particularly not good in this, but neither is anyone else really.


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