
White Boy Rick (2018)

Directed by Yann Demange

Crime | Drama

Most recently watched by CaptainBigTime, zombiefreak


The story of Richard Wershe Jr., a teenager who became an undercover informant for the police during the 1980s, and was ultimately arrested for drug trafficking and sentenced to life in prison.

Rated R | Length 111 minutes


Richie Merritt | Matthew McConaughey | Jennifer Jason Leigh | Bel Powley | RJ Cyler | Rory Cochrane | Eddie Marsan | Bruce Dern | Piper Laurie | Brian Tyree Henry | Taylour Paige | Jonathan Majors | Kyanna Simone | Lawrence Adimora | Brian Wolfman Black Bowman | Gaynelle W. Sloman | Derrick Gilliam | Yassie Hawkes | Lauren Ashley Berry | Tyler Joseph Campbell | Joe Fishel | Danny Brown | YG | Meg Rasmussen | Brad Carter | Ayriel Strange | Victoria Watkins | Carly Tamborski | Kylee Williams Russell | Anthony Woods | Ansel Carpenter | Linda D Gaines | James Howard | Raekwon Haynes

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/30/2019Home TheaterBlu-rayRented6 stars

Viewing Notes

Not the movie portrayed in previews. I know, shocking. Still, decent. More dramatic than I was expecting and felt tonally uneven at times but I really like the lead actor, Richie Merritt. Also, Bel Powley is in this. I recognized her from the underwhelming WILDLING.


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