
The Black Pirate (1926)

Directed by Albert Parker

Action | Adventure

Most recently watched by tylermager, jakeneff


A nobleman vows to avenge the death of his father by the hands of pirates. To this end, he infiltrates the pirate band; Acting in character, he single-handedly captures a merchant vessel, but things are complicated when he finds that there is a beautiful young woman of royal blood aboard.

Rated NR | Length 94 minutes


Douglas Fairbanks | Billie Dove | Anders Randolf | Donald Crisp | Tempe Pigott | Sam De Grasse | Charles Stevens | John Wallace | Fred Becker | Charles Belcher | E.J. Ratcliffe | Nino Cochise | Barry Norton | Mary Pickford

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/15/2019TVStreamingOther7 stars

Viewing Notes

More adventure than action, but Douglas Fairbanks movies are always fun to watch. And Billie Dove as the princess is easy on the eyes.

This was the first two-strip technicolor film to be widely distributed although there was a black and white version as well due to the cost and lack of training of projectionists on the thicker film stock, which caused lots of projection issues.


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