
When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (1970)

Directed by Val Guest

Fantasy | Adventure | Romance


An ancient tribe attempts to sacrifice Sanna as an offering to the Sun god to save their tribe from dinosaurs. Tara, a young man from another tribe, saves Sanna and takes her along with him.

Rated G | Length 100 minutes


Victoria Vetri | Robin Hawdon | Patrick Allen | Drewe Henley | Sean Caffrey | Magda Konopka | Imogen Hassall | Patrick Holt | Jan Rossini | Carol Hawkins | Maria O'Brien | Connie Tilton | Maggie Lynton | Jimmy Lodge | Billy Cornelius | Ray Ford

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
07/22/2019Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned6 stars

Viewing Notes

Such a strangely interesting film, based off a treatment by J.G. Ballard, and starring attempted murderer and Sharon Tate friend, the beautiful Playboy Playmate Victoria Vetri.

Arguably better than 1 MILLION B.C. with an interesting (and ridiculous) plot centered around the first appearance of the moon. This features some pretty well executed stop motion animation and lots of running away from the bad guys. Lots of running away. So much running away.

Got this from Warner Archive a while ago. I’ve been trying to purposefully watch stuff I’ve bought but haven’t cracked open yet and this was on the list.


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