
Hell's Trap (1989)

Directed by Pedro Galindo III

Horror | Thriller

Most recently watched by sleestakk


Seven young people go to a desolated forest looking for a bear, what they don’t know is that a crazy Vietnam vet lives there and he is waiting for fresh blood.

Length 76 minutes


Pedro Fernández | Edith González | Toño Mauri | Charly Valentino | Marisol Santacruz | Adriana Vega | Alfredo Gutiérrez | Alberto Mejía Barón | Armando Galván

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/22/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater5 stars

Viewing Notes

I actually expected this to be a little crazier than it was but it’s still a lot of fun to watch. A hodge podge of stuff as is the norm for Mexican genre cinema it seems.


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