
4x4 (2019)

Directed by Mariano Cohn

Crime | Thriller | Drama


Buenos Aires, Argentina. A luxurious van is parked on the sidewalk. A man enters with the purpose of stealing whatever he can find, but when he wants to leave, he cannot. The doors do not open, the control panel does not respond: the van has become an armored box and he is trapped like a mouse.

Length 87 minutes


Peter Lanzani | Dady Brieva | Luis Brandoni | Noelia Castaño | Valeria Mitidieri | Irina Matozza | Alejo Ramírez Borella | Lucas Pose | Ailén Mazioni

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
09/25/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater4 stars

Viewing Notes

I was mostly OK with the first two-thirds of this, which takes place almost entirely inside of an SUV parked on a side street, but the final act that tries to blow this up into a larger social context just killed it.


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