
Shevenge (2019)

Directed by Karen Lam, Angela Atwood, Izzy Lee, Staci Layne Wilson, Tash Ann, Kate Beacom, Michelle Nessk, Elain Xia, Keely Martin, Misty Dawn, Cheryl Isaacson



All-female directed horror anthology with the theme of revenge.

Length 119 minutes


Vanessa Gomez | Caitlin Cooke | Lacey Jeka | Ali Kriegsman | Ricky Dean Logan | Tristan Risk | Brooke Lewis | Jamie Casbon | Brett Davis | Anastasia Elfman | Sean Carmichael | Christian Masters | Griffin Newman | Emma Phipps | Diana Porter | Emily Sansiri | Alex Song | Mike Snoonian | J. Zocalo | Jenimay Walker

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
10/18/2019TVStreamingVideo on Demand5 stars

Viewing Notes

As most anthologies are, this is a pretty mixed bag. Izzy Lee’s FOR A GOOD TIME CALL… is in this. Seems that most low-budget productions suffer the most from bad lighting and sound recording.


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