
Idol (2019)

Directed by Lee Su-jin

Crime | Thriller


In this political thriller, a politician finds his wife in the garage. She is cleaning her son’s bloodstained car, which has just run over a person.

Length 144 minutes


Han Seok-kyu | Sol Kyung-gu | Chun Woo-hee | Yoo Seung-mok | Hyun Bong-sik | Gang Mal-geum | Kim Sung-nyeo | Seo Ju-hee | Kim Myung-gon | Cho Byeong-kyu | Kim Jae-hwa | Han Woo-yeon | Kiseon Park | Min Kyung-jin | Lee Yeong-seok | Lee Yoon-Hee | Kim Jong-man | Park Kyeong-chan | Oh Noo-ri

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
11/01/2019Movie ScreenDigitalTheater6 stars

Viewing Notes

First film of DFF42! Very dense and hard to follow what the hell actually happened. Well made and acted however.


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