
Night Owl (1993)

Directed by Jeffrey Arsenault

Horror | Crime | Drama


A vampire in the East Village picks up women, and while having sex with them kills them and drinks their blood. Meanwhile, a young Puerto Rican guy begins searching the Village for his sister, who is one of the vampire’s victims.

Rated R | Length 77 minutes


John Leguizamo | Caroline Munro | Yul Vazquez | Lisa Napoli | David Roya | Ali Thomas | James Raftery | Holly Woodlawn | Karen Wexler | Michael Musto | Alyce Wittenstein | Marianne Skiba | Screamin' Rachael | Kristen Connors

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
01/24/2020Home TheaterBlu-rayOwned8 stars

Viewing Notes

Filmed in grainy black and white on location in NYC in the early ‘90s but feels like it could have been made in the early ‘80s instead. A movie I should have discovered way back when it first came out. Fits right in with stuff like LIQUID SKY, Nick Zedd, THE DRILLER KILLER, etc.


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