
Threads (1984)

Directed by Mick Jackson

Science Fiction | War | Drama


Documentary style account of a nuclear holocaust and its effect on the working class city of Sheffield, England; and the eventual long run effects of nuclear war on civilization.

Length 117 minutes


Karen Meagher | Reece Dinsdale | David Brierly | Rita May | Nicholas Lane | Jane Hazlegrove | Henry Moxon | June Broughton | Sylvia Stoker | Harry Beety | Ruth Holden | Ashley Barker | Michael O'Hagan | Phil Rose | Steve Halliwell | Brian Grellis | Peter Faulkner | Anthony Collin | Michael Ely | Sharon Baylis | David Stutt | Phil Askham | Anna Seymour | Fiona Rook | Christine Buckley | Joe Belcher | David Major | Maggie Ford | Mike Kay | Richard Albrecht | Ted Beyer | Dean Williamson | Joe Holmes | Andy Fenn-Rodgers | Graham Hill | Nigel Collins | Jerry Ready | Dennis Conlon | Greta Dunn | Nat Jackley | John Livesey | Victoria O'Keefe | Lee Daley | Marcus Lund | Lesley Judd | Colin Ward-Lewis | Paul Vaughan | Ingrid P. Frehley | Michael Shale | Anne Sellors | Lee Cambell | Jonathan Harston | Patrick Allen | Ed Bishop

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
03/20/2020Home TheaterStreamingVideo on Demand8 stars

Viewing Notes

Thought I hadn’t seen this but of course I had. Still pretty devastating and sobering to watch, especially given the current circumstances of the global pandemic we find ourselves in.


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