
Heathers (1988)

Directed by Michael Lehmann

Comedy | Crime

Most recently watched by VicnaLobster, jeneot33, elisabethwithns


A girl who halfheartedly tries to be part of the “in crowd” of her school meets a rebel who teaches her a more devious way to play social politics: by killing the popular kids.

Rated R | Length 103 minutes


Winona Ryder | Christian Slater | Shannen Doherty | Lisanne Falk | Kim Walker | Penelope Milford | Glenn Shadix | Lance Fenton | Jennifer Rhodes | Jeremy Applegate | Patrick Labyorteaux | Jon Matthews | Carrie Lynn | Phill Lewis | Renée Estevez | John Zarchen | William Cort | John Ingle | Stuart Mabray | Sherrie Wills | Larry Cox | Kent Stoddard | Mark Carlton | Curtiss Marlowe | Andrew Benne | Kevin Hardesty | Josh Richman | Bess Meyer | Betty Ramey | Aaron Mendelsohn | Kirk Scott | Mark Bringelson | Chuck Lafont | Christie Mellor | James 'Poorman' Trenton | Adrian Drake | Craig Braginsky | Michael Lindström | David McConnell | Mike Pont | Sylvia Tobias | Jeffrey Weissman

Viewing History (seen 1 time)

Date ViewedDeviceFormatSourceRating
05/01/2020TVBroadcastVideo on Demand7 stars

Viewing Notes

It’s been a really long time since I’ve seen this. Still great fun but man, no way you could make this movie today (for good reason).

Watching tonight’s The Last Drive-In makes me long for the days of Night Flight when I’d come home from being out with friends on a Friday night and turn on USA and watch Night Flight, fall asleep, wake back up and watch the repeat of it to catch what I missed. Sometimes I’d be talking with a friend on the phone while watching but more often we’d discuss the next day or rewatch a tape I recorded of it.

TBH, that was better social networking than the factionalism that’s taken over Twitter these days. Just tired of people.


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